After what could only be described as a genuine balls up on Thursday, the 2022 Ladies Day Poll/Hottest in Racing Poll was finally decided on Saturday. Claire Lever taking the win from Brittany Taylor and Katy Mallyon. Full Results below. And a big congrats to Cassie Fahey for polling 1 vote.

NameTotal Votes3 votes2 votes1 vote
Claire Lever4930127
Brittany Taylor372485
Katy Mallyon3518161
Jamie Kah271548
Raquel Clarke279126
Leah Kilner231562
Grace Ramage20983
Charlotte Littlefield12381
Angela Jones936
Chyna Marston66
Eran Boyd532
Chyna Marston523
Priscilla Looker (nee Schmidt)431
Michelle Payne422
Jayne Ivil321
Kate Watts22
Cassie Fahey11


What was the highlight of this year’s tipping comp?Votes
The new and improved website13
The Jamie Kah rumours and innuendo13
Nato’s “bang Steph Rice with the force of 1000 angry Gods” call5
The growth of the comp to 47 entrants4
The WhatsApp chat3
The Cat’s late night antics3
Sim’s ongoing struggles and potential 3rd wooden spoon2
Rodda’s potential 3rd crown1
Miller’s general shithousery1
Categories: Results


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